Juanita Welch Accardo
2 min readFeb 2, 2021


Travel Diaries: 1970s Palestine. Episode 2

October 14 1976

Having gone to bed at 02.00 I had to drag myself up at 07.00 to close my suitcase for the last time. I said goodbye to everyone there, except my brother, who was ill and asleep in bed. I don’t know when I’ll see them again. Dad walked me to the car and shared some final thoughts, in his usual sarcastic way, but I could tell he was concerned about my trip. With the case thrown in, I slammed the car boot shut, got in and drove off. Destination London Heathrow -via Milford-On-Sea, for another set of goodbyes and to pick up AJ, who slipped himself into the driver’s seat.

The EL-AL LHR to TVL check-in queue was long and slow. They even squeezed my tube of toothpaste to check for hidden danger. How thorough. The man was friendly enough, but his repacking of my bag left much to be desired. Only a short time for a dink with AJ, who signed my Lord Of The Rings book ..not the lightest of reading matter to travel with, and then onto to the plane (Boeing 707) with tears in my eyes.

Took off at 15.35. After listening to cabin crew explanations of just about everything, I became aware of how many different languages were being spoken by the passengers. On either side of me I listened to the as yet strange sounds of Hebrew before my mind drifted from the wet and windy London below, to the unknown conditions waiting for us in a few hours time, when I’d land in an unfamiliar city, the night accommodation unknown.

As the lights along the mediterranean coast of Israel came into view, passengers returning home began to sing Shalom Alechem, while clapping, accompanied by music played on the overhead speakers. All a bit strange to me. Touchdown:21.00. Passing through an even more stringent customs, five strangers followed The One prepared enough to have accommodation planned. We packed into a taxi headed for Bnei Dan youth hostel, far from the city centre, and bunked down seven to a room, breakfast included, £29.0 each. Tomorrow, the real ‘fun’ begins.



Juanita Welch Accardo

Possibly been there, and have probably done that ..but eager to go and do more.