Juanita Welch Accardo
2 min readFeb 19, 2021


Travel Diaries:1970s Palestine. Episode 25

Sunday December 5th 1976

Friday: work followed by three hours of tennis, of the squash-badminton variety from me. With a bit of coaching I regained my dormant tennis swing.

Later that evening, I was whisked off the Kibbutz at 21.00 and traveled by car, with Rick and his guitar, to Kibbutz Nirim. We met up with eight former Be’eri inmates who had escaped and relocated before my time. They had built a proper bar in their ghetto, complete with a stone fireplace and in appreciation we sat around listening to guitar music while drinking. Roger and Nancy offered to drop me back, three of us on his grand touring motorbike. It was 02.15, cold and I couldn’t warm up enough until the sun came out.

Saturday was spent studying Hebrew while sprawled out on the grass. Really hot. Had to refuse the 11.00 invitation to play more tennis because my right forearm muscles had knotted in protest from yesterday’s excess. Ended up playing volleyball, and another attempt at tennis in the evening.

Today, I became the designated tennis coach for Ellen, a complete beginner, and we’re to play everyday if possible. I really enjoy teaching her, but today was far too hot to play for long. I visited my current Boss’s house. He lends me his tennis racquet and is interesting to talk to, briefing me on Israeli men’s modus operandi concerning the steady of flow of available female volunteers. I’m pretty sure I’d figured this our already, but it was a nice gesture warn me.

My evening was spent with my Kibbutz family, where I feel very relaxed. They have television and everything! We watched a cheery documentary on the Hindenburg zeppelin disaster. Not only tattooed with their Auschwitz ID, they had known someone who died in this disaster too. I try to understand what they’ve been through, but how can I ..it’s like watching old black and white film footage, with this family playing lead roles. It affects me to the point of despondence at times. Why can’t I just catch and release, not let the sadness settle somewhere deep inside me?

Must remember to turn off the heater soon ..before I become ‘ex’.



Juanita Welch Accardo

Possibly been there, and have probably done that ..but eager to go and do more.